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Learn Robotic Surgery with Hand Holding by Renowned Pioneer International Faculty.
2018  |  04.29.2018 8:57 am  |  4672  |  A+ | a-
Hands On Robotic Surgery Training
Hands On Robotic Surgery Training
Dear Friends

The International Hernia Collaboration is the world's largest hernia community. Led by New York based surgeon Brian Jacob, the IHC consists of more than 5000 surgeons, including those who have described operations, conducted the best trials and published hernia (and other) textbooks.

Hands On Robotic Surgery Training

The IHC has become the most disruptive influence in hernia surgery today. Peer based teaching, feedback, criticism and mentoring on case-to-case basis with the help of videos, images and even live streaming has revolutionized practices of surgeons from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe.

The IHC is now the most potent source of education in all things hernia, be it subcutaneous endoscopic abdominal wall closure or robotic parastomal surgery repair.

Life time opportunity to learn robotic surgery with hand holding by renowned pioneer international faculty. 
This is full day course supervised by top faculty members. Only 10 seats available. Please book early to avoid disappointment. It will not be possible to increase the number of delegates.

Register now! 

International faculty:
1. Flavio Malcher (USA)
2. Hany Takla (USA)
3. Paul Szotek (USA)

A) Hands-on workshop day 1 (3rd May 2018): World Laparoscopy Hospital, New Delhi
B) In-OR experience; day 2 (4th or 5th May 2018) : Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi 
1. Basics of Robotics: the Hardware
2. Concept of Docking
3. Basics of Port placement
4. Basics of technique and suturing
5. Hands-on experience on tissue (animal)
Date and time : 3rd May 2018, 10 am to 2 pm
Delegates limited to: 10
Organizing Chairman - Dr Arun Prasad
Organising Secretary – Dr Vivek Bindal
Co-Organising Secretary - Dr. Abhishek Tiwari & Dr. Rekha Jaiswal
Local Organising Committee – Dr RK Mishra, Dr Chauhan

Course Fees: Rs. 50,000/- plus 18% GST (USD = 944)
Maximum Seats 10 (on first come first served basis)
B) In-OR experience (optional ); (4th or 5th May 2018, based on live workshop program) : 
Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, and Apollo Hospital, New Delhi 
( 5 delegates in each operation theatre )


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