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Made-In-India Surgical Robot - Mantra
Sun - February 7, 2021 6:30 am  |  Article Hits:8767  |  A+ | a-
Indian Surgical Robot
Indian Surgical Robot

The SSI MANTRA surgical robot is the brainchild of cardiac surgeon Dr. Sudhir Srivastava and was developed in an Atal Incubation Centre.

It has conducted 18 successful surgeries, and the cost is likely to be one-fourth of a leading global competitor.

What differentiates MANTRA from the existing Robotic system in the market?

MANTRA is unique in its ways that it is modular with an open face console. So ergonomically, the surgeon can sit as straight as compared to the da Vinci system, where you're hunched over, and then you don't see anything else around you.

I can sit straight just like this. And with the 3d large monitor and surgeon will be able to view the endoscopy 3d view of the inside of the patient's body. Then with hand motions, which are different in the sense of what controls surgeon use compared to the da Vinci system, and to be able to control these modular robotic arms. The surgeon has also had certain very advanced features, whereby the collision of the robotic arms or collision with the patient is detected and avoided.

Indian Surgical Robot Mantra

The other major difference beyond technology is the application. The Mantra system will be useful in all surgical specialties, except orthopedic at this point. We will be including cardiac surgery as one of the focuses. No one in the world is focused on cardiac surgery. Apart from these specialties, we will also focus on cardiac surgery because the benefits are so huge in terms of having the entire complex operation done through tiny holes versus having the sternum split open, which is associated with a lot of trauma, surgical complications, and very long recovery periods.

Another major factor that we considered in this development was the cost. The current da Vinci system in India at the highest level sells for something like 16 to 18 crores. As mentioned that there are a limited number of systems concerning the population and the number of hospitals in the country, At present Mantra has 100 systems installed today.

Robotic surgery has become increasingly popular over the past few decades, offering many advantages over traditional surgical techniques. However, most of the existing robotic surgical systems are imported from other countries, making them expensive and inaccessible to many people. To address this issue, Indian engineers and medical professionals have developed an indigenous surgical robot system called Mantra. This essay will explore the features and potential benefits of the Made-in-India surgical robot, Mantra.

Features of Mantra

Mantra is a modular, robotic surgical system that has been designed specifically for the Indian healthcare market. The system consists of several components, including a surgeon's console, an operating table, and robotic arms that are equipped with surgical instruments.

The surgeon's console is the control center of the system, allowing the surgeon to control the robotic arms and instruments. The console has a high-resolution display that provides a 3D view of the surgical site, allowing the surgeon to see the procedure in real-time. The console is also equipped with hand controls that allow the surgeon to manipulate the robotic arms and instruments with precision and ease.

The operating table is an integral part of the system, providing a stable platform for the patient during the procedure. The table is designed to accommodate patients of different sizes and shapes, and can be adjusted to different positions as required.

The robotic arms are the most important component of the system, as they are responsible for performing the actual surgery. The arms are equipped with surgical instruments, including scissors, scalpels, and graspers, which are controlled by the surgeon through the console. The arms are designed to move in a smooth and precise manner, allowing the surgeon to perform complex procedures with ease.

Potential Benefits of Mantra

Improved Precision

One of the primary benefits of Mantra is the improved precision it offers over traditional surgical techniques. The robotic arms are designed to move in a smooth and precise manner, allowing the surgeon to perform complex procedures with greater accuracy. This improved precision can lead to better outcomes for patients, with fewer complications and faster recovery times.

Reduced Blood Loss

Another potential benefit of Mantra is the reduced blood loss during surgery. The robotic arms are designed to make precise incisions, which can reduce bleeding during the procedure. This can lead to faster recovery times and less pain for the patient.

Smaller Incisions

Mantra can also lead to smaller incisions during surgery, which can reduce scarring and pain for the patient. The robotic instruments are designed to be inserted through small incisions, allowing the surgeon to perform procedures with minimal damage to surrounding tissues.

Shorter Recovery Times

Due to the improved precision, reduced blood loss, and smaller incisions, Mantra can also lead to shorter recovery times for patients. Patients who undergo surgery with Mantra may be able to return to their normal activities more quickly than those who undergo traditional surgical techniques.


One of the primary advantages of Mantra is its cost-effectiveness. As an indigenous surgical robot system, Mantra is significantly less expensive than other imported robotic surgical systems. This can make the system more accessible to healthcare providers and patients who may not be able to afford traditional surgical techniques.

Challenges and Limitations of Mantra

Despite its many potential benefits, Mantra does have some challenges and limitations. These include:

Limited Availability

Mantra is still in the early stages of development, and is not widely available in India or other parts of the world. The system is currently being tested in a few hospitals in India, and it may be several years before it is widely available to healthcare providers and patients.

Training and Education

To use Mantra effectively, surgeons and other medical professionals will need to be trained and educated on the system. This training can be time-consuming and expensive, and may not be accessible to all healthcare providers.


More research is needed to validate the effectiveness of Mantra for surgical procedures. While the system has shown promising results in early testing, more extensive clinical trials will be needed to determine its safety and efficacy for a wider range of surgical procedures.


Mantra will also face competition from other established robotic surgical systems that are already widely available in India and other parts of the world. These systems have already established a reputation for safety and efficacy, making it difficult for a new system like Mantra to compete.


Mantra is a promising development in the field of surgical robotics, offering many potential benefits over traditional surgical techniques. The system has been designed specifically for the Indian healthcare market, making it more accessible and cost-effective for healthcare providers and patients in the region. However, the system is still in the early stages of development and will face several challenges and limitations as it becomes more widely available. Healthcare providers and patients will need to carefully evaluate the potential benefits and limitations of Mantra when considering it for surgical procedures. With continued development and validation, Mantra has the potential to transform the field of surgical robotics in India and beyond, improving patient outcomes and increasing access to high-quality surgical care.


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