Cholecystectomy for Mucocele of Gallbladder
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1 year ago
This video demonstrates Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Mucocele of the Gallbladder. A mucocele of the gallbladder must be differentiated from other gallbladder conditions. Acute percutaneous drainage vs. cholecystectomy is usually the first line of treatment. This diagnosis must be suspected both by the surgeon and the radiologist. Gallbladder mucoceles (GBM) typically are treated by cholecystectomy. Medical management rarely has been reported and medical and surgical management have not been compared. In Laparoscopic management of the Mucocele of the Gallbladder, a small incision is made just below the rib cage on the right side of the abdomen. The liver is moved to expose the gallbladder. The vessels and cystic duct and artery to and from the gallbladder are cut and the gallbladder is removed. Mishra's knot is used to ligate the cystic duct. For more please contact: World Laparoscopy Hospital Cyber City, Gurugram, NCR Delhi INDIA Phone: +919811416838
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