TAPP Inguinal Hernia Repair by Ipsilateral Port

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2 years ago


This surgery demonstrates TAPP Inguinal Hernia Repair by Ipsilateral Port by Dr. R.K. Mishra ar World Laparoscop[y hospital. Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common procedures performed around the world. Laparoscopic hernia repair is an effective procedure when critical principles are done correctly. The surgery’s efficacy is directly and closely related to the surgeon’s anatomical knowledge, skill, and experience. This video is a description of our technique at World Laparoscopy Hospital, including surgical details and technical principles, as well as tips & tricks that we have found essential for an accurate laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) inguinal hernia repair. This text also has accompanying photos and videos that the reader can follow visually. We advise always sticking to the principles, steps, and rules. https://www.laparoscopyhospital.com