Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia

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This video demonstrates Intraperitoneal Onlay Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia. Our study at World Laparoscopy hospital as well as the meta-analysis of the series presented in the Literature, indicate that the IPOM may be a feasible, safe and effective procedure in the treatment of recurrent and bilateral hernias or when a hernia repair is performed during other laparoscopic procedures. The IPOM has in fact been shown to be faster and easier than the other more commonly performed laparoscopic hernioplasties (TAPP and TEP). These data may also suggest utilizing this technique in particular cases of primitive hernia such as very active young males or heavy duty workers. However, the limited series and the short follow-up ask for randomized prospective long term studies to definitely ascertain the true incidence of recurrence and therefore the effectiveness of this attractive procedure.